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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Reverse Confetti New Release Blog Hop

Click HERE for my SugarPea Designs post.

The Reverse Confetti September Release is NOW AVAILABLE! I hope you've enjoyed the last three days of sneak peeks and are ready to hop along with the Confetti Crew for a bit more inspiration, aka helping you finish up your shopping list! You may have hopped here from Jean's blog, and I thank you for moving on because I'm sure it was difficult to leave there! You can start from the top of the hop at the Reverse Confetti Blog.

With each new release comes a brand spankin' new set of Quick Card Panels, and this set is so full of vibrant fall colors and fun designs! Remember to throw 'em in your card quick because when they're gone, they're gone.

On top of my Quick Card Panel, I layered that yummy Thanks Tag topped with a non-traditional looking Easy As Pie Confetti Cuts, but hey, it matches and it still looks good enough to eat, right? The Easy as Pie stamp set has about as many sentiments as pie varieties - something for every occasion!
Thank you so much for all of your sweet and supportive comments, I love to read them all! Please take a hop on over to the one and only Amy Tsuruta's blog now for something yummy and cool, just like her!


  1. Sweet sweet card! Love your pie tag.

  2. Amy, this is sooooo fun! love it Love that delish pie!

  3. Sweet confetti pie, love this creation!

  4. Look at the way you've managed to make that quick panel more gorgeous! LOve the garlands, and that you 'felt' a pie was in order... always on my order!!!
    =] M

  5. Great card, those pie sentiments are precious! Thanks for sharing this inspiration! ~Annie

  6. What comes to my mind when I look at this card? FUN. ENCOURAGING. HAPPY. What else should a card be?? :) Great job!

  7. I thought blueberry pie not nontraditional. I love pie so I really need this set.


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