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Friday, August 7, 2015

Sweet2Repeat Blog Hop

I'm thrilled to be playing along with the SugarPea Designs Team all this month, and today is the Sweet 2 Repeat Blog Hop where we're sharing a few more projects featuring products from the latest release that will hopefully inspire you with those new products you may already have in your hot little hands!

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 I had a bit of fun mixing and matching dies and stamps from Take Note and SugarCuts - Notebook Journal Card. I partial die cut my 'notepad paper' using only the notebook edge of the journal card because I wanted a larger paper than the entire journal card allows. I can't get enough of that pencil die and had to find a place for the ampersand as well! I think it makes a great focal piece, especially cut from bright blue fun foam!

Would you like to WIN a $20 gift certificate to spend on some SugarPea Designs of your own?  Please visit with each of our design team members listed below and leave a comment for your chance to win!
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  1. Aww this is really sweet, love the torn and bent edges! My kids school papers always look like that!

  2. Love the bright yellow! Sweet and to the point!

  3. Nice! Love the layout and colors!
    Thanks for sharing this!
    (Hugs) Cara
    My Creative Chaos {My Personal Blog}

  4. Very sweet card! I like the little details!

  5. So pretty! I love how clean your cards are - very inspiring!

  6. like the card
    that pencil is really cool

  7. I love your card is so creative and so beautiful!

  8. Love the clean, fresh design! Very cute!

  9. Very cute. Love the pencil and your use of foam.

  10. Darling card. Love the notebook paper and the pencil.
    I have to get that pencil.
    thanks for sharing a great card.

  11. What a great card Amy! I love that cute die cut pencil!

  12. Great card! Thank you for the inspiration!

  13. Genius Amy! Love it. P.S. my card today for the hop was inspired by your card on the last day of the release.

  14. Cute card! Love the added distressing ♥

  15. Fantastic sentiment card, very fun

  16. I love this fresh feeling card, Amy R.! In a hip kind of way, I love how this card would be great for anyone, but it said to me very cool teen. LOL Thanks for your on trend cards! I love to see how you were inspired to use these fun new products! Thanks, Paulette S.
    craftqueen417 at yahoo
    http://paulettesprettypapercrafts dot wordpress dot com
    because google would rather hold onto expired information for people in their blogger system, by keeping me tied to a profile for a blog that no longer exists and can not find a superviser to delete it. Most companies have trained people who could do so without a lot of red tape.

  17. Love all the little extras you added.

  18. This card is so totally cool - I love when ampersands are showcased on a card and this one is stellar!! Wonderfully made!!

  19. What a wonderful card. Love school/office supplies. ^_^

  20. Super cute card, love the pencil die!


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