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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

somethin' to crow about

I have been stalking Halloween crows on Pinterest all fall...seriously stalking, people.  To the point of distraction from the things I really should've been doing. The first step in my quest to squelch my distraction was to purchase of a handful of black crows from Amazon, my favorite place to shop on cyber-earth. They arrived 2 business days later, and then my crows just sat...and sat...while I mulled and stalked some more. I finally conjured up the courage to take one of them into my crafty space (baby steps), and through many trials and scraps, came up with somethin' to crow about, wink!

I kinda like him.


 I think I'll call him Harry...hey Harry, old buddy, old pal!
Happy Halloween!


  1. Amaze-balls!!! sooooo, so awesome.

  2. Stop it RIGHT NOW. You just get more and more awesome. This is the COOLEST!

  3. Seriously Girl! Where do you get these ideas! Just Amazing!

  4. Holy, Guacamole, that is one cool Halloween crow!

  5. {Hee!} Love this, and love you, girlie! Hey -- mark your calendar: we're going to be in St. Paul for several days in March (Carter has another surgery on the 17th, but we're going to get there a few days before and stay for a few days after). We ARE getting together, you got that, BSF? It's been too long!


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