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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

MFT Wednesday Stamp Club - HB2U!

Hi there, and welcome to this week's Wednesday Stamp Club (WSC) sketch challenge post. I've used this week's sketch (#168) for a boy birthday card for one of George's classmates, and I think the two worlds collided nicely, which always make me a happy camper!

I pulled from a few different stamp sets - Lollipop Additions Birthday, Striped Background (perfect for boys and everything else), and Birthday Greetings. The smallest star is from Primitive Pumpkins, but I think it was misplaced in another of my MFT stamp sets...that ever happen to you?!

I went around and around in my head trying to conjure up the 'perfect' 6 year old/boy color combo and came up with Blu Raspberry + Orange Fizz + Kraft + Steel Grey. What'd ya think? I sorta like it - not too young, not too old.

Inside are more stars stamped in my color scheme, and I even used the negative circle from the open circle (ring) on the card front.

Stop on over to the MFT Blog for complete WSC details, full sketch reveal and links to everyone playin' along. Remember - you can win MFT cash for playing along too!

MFT products used on today's card:


  1. I love these cards Amy. The clean and simple design is really nice and I love the colors.

  2. Loving this card!! Fabulous Amy!!


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