
For Sale

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Craft Sale Fun!

I was approached earlier this week by a gal who is hosting an in-home boutique this weekend, asking if I'd be interested in bringing over some of my papercrafts. What is that you say: a legit reason to craft away the weeknights, I'm in! Here are the items I'm taking along with links to these crazy cute ideas! Thanks Jennifer and Kerry!

Jennifer Holmes showed off these adorable Witch Hat Pencil Toppers. I used the same Silhouette hat but topped mine with a TCP sentiment from Witchy and TE die cut bat.

Bottle Scarves that I've shown before HERE but got the original idea from Zakka Life...

These are addicting to make, and can be used on a bottle of wine as well as bottles of beer, my friends!

Notepad ideas from Papertrey as well as my favorite craft sale go-to website, the adorable Kerry at Kerry's Paper Crafts...

Magic Reindeer Food is another find at Kerry's Paper Crafts...

I'll also have loads of 'handmade' cards for sale, wink! If you live in the western Wisconsin area and are looking to get out and about tomorrow, here is the information for the Shopping Boutique:
Sunday, October 16
W4262 430th Ave

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping!


  1. Wow Amy - you've been a busy girl!! These are all so well done. Good luck with the sale.

  2. You are such a tease! You need to do up an Etsy shop where we can buy, buy, BUy!


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