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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TCP Tuesday 170: Beach Bum

We've certainly been 'beach bums' in the sense that we've spent copious amounts of time in our backyard pool this summer due to the hot-hot-hot! How about your neck of the woods...sam tin? (translation: same thing?) Ok, so I'm a little goofy today and I'll shamelessly blame it on the weather, but enough about the about a fun summer-y card for this week's TCP Tuesday?! I've used Leigh's sketch, By the Sea, CutUps Postage Trio and the perfect summer-y paper from Jillibean Soup called Watermelon Gazpacho Soup (another little gift from my BSF Carole...the girl's got good taste is all I can say).
Here's Leigh's fun sketch which reminds me of one of those picture frame ledges that I love, but don't own. Instead of the button embellishment shown on the sketch, I trimmed out a pair of swim trunks from the patterned paper, added a bit of TCP button twine to them for dimension and popped it up a bit with foam tape.

You'll DEFINITELY want to pop over to Leigh's blog for this week's TCP Tuesday challenge details, but even more so to get an eye-load of her card key-ute-ness! Thanks for stopping by...I'll be back in a JiFFy tomorrow, so come back!


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