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Friday, July 9, 2010

A TCP Tuesday Sneaky Peek for You!

I'm a bit late with my TCP Tuesday card this week, but I wanted to make sure to post it because it features a new set from The Cat's Pajamas, releasing on July 20th! Alma's got a huge release lined up with lots of swanky stamp sets as well as a few other goodies that you're going to L-O-V-E!!

This week's challenge is a color challenge hosted by Joanne--yellow, lime, raspberry, YUM! Head over to her place when you're done here for all the details, and then to Alma's blog to upload your creation.

The set used here is called Good Friends (K-0687), and it's perfect for those girlfriends you just couldn't live without! Notice that button twine? You can get your very own stash of it from The Cat's Pajamas, now stocking a huge variety of colors. I used Green Apple Divine Twine to hold my buttons.

There's a sneaky peek of something else on the card, but I won't tell you what...I'll just keep you guessing until our official TCP Sneaky Peek Week, beginning next week! The Cat Pack has a lineup of sneak peeks for you, so be sure to check out our blogs each day to see what's coming down the pike! You can locate the girls' blogs right over there...on my sidebar.

Well, time to let you go, so you can start stamping up some yumminess yourself with J's hot color combo! Thanks for stopping by...



  1. LOVE this, Amy! Add one penguin, then substitute that remote, popcorn, and tissue for wine glasses, and guess what you'll have? You, me, Jo & Leigh in our room at CHA in a couple of short weeks!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!

  2. This is SO ADORABLE, Amy!!! Thanks for the sneak peek!!

  3. you've enabled me before, you're enabling me again and no doublt there's a future in it for you.

  4. I can hear my wallet groaning. My eyes are glazed over with excitement!!! This release looks fantastic. Can't wait!!

  5. This is just darling, Amy! I just love that polka dot rug!


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