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Saturday, March 20, 2010

For Sus*Q

Our SFYTT teammate and good friend, Susan is going through a rough time right now. Her husband has been diagnosed with cancer and they could use all the love, support and positive thoughts we can "will" their way, so this week's SFYTT is dedicated to Susan, her husband Eric, and their family. We'd like you to create something to send to Susan, Jen will have all the deets, including Susan's address on her SFYTT post today, so please send Sus and family a little hug this week in the mail.

Here's my rendition of this week's SFYTT...

Once again, I've turned to my sweet Pure Innocence stamps from MFT, paired with a sentiment from PTI's Damask Designs. The "note" on the French memory board is stamped with an alphabet by Hero Arts, and all these delicious patterned papers come from October Afternoon. The scripted layer is from a discarded dictionary, with the word "prayer" peeking out to the left of my sweet PI girl. Coloring was done with Copics, and the die cut cork layer is compliments of some new Nesties I got this week (Labels 9). Last, but not least, is the moss green textured paper that you see bits and pieces of (layers under patterned paper, memory boards "ribbons", and cutie pie's skirt), which is from Couture Cardstock ...good stuff!

Here's a little detail shot of the main image...

Ok, let's see what inspiration the rest of the SFYTT crew has this week:
Jen del Muro & Angie Tieman
Megan Lock
Jenn Diercks
Amber Hight
Amy Sheffer
Kelly Lunceford
Leigh O'Brien

I know Susan is also updating her blog as well, so stop by and give her a little love there as well. Finally, I just want to send my thoughts, prayers and love to Susan and her family---{{{Sus}}}}!


  1. SHUT UP!!!!! That cork board...OMG!! WOW! Love this!

  2. Amy, you always amaze me with your skills, but this one made my jaw drop! I had to zoom in on it and simply STARE at it to soak in all the exquisite details! Oh my, you outdid yourself! I can appreciate all the time and effort you put into this for your dear friend Susan. Sending prayers and happy positive thoughts her way! :)

  3. Dang. You're good. That little board is adorable!!

  4. I love this! So many layers and textures! Love the cork board!

  5. The patterns are so nice and cheery and they all work together so well. I love the little cork board you created. This is such a cute creation.

  6. Good grief is this ever adorable!!!!

  7. Oh, Amy...this is just fabulously adorable...I mean, really, where do you get these ideas. YOU ROCK!!...AGAIN!

  8. Amy?! How the heck did you even come up with the corkboard idea?! This is to die for cute!!! Amazing!!!

  9. This just skyrocketed to the top of my list of all-time favorite Rolha cards! WOW! Seriously WOW!! Jam-packed with absolutely perfect details and craftsmanship!

  10. OH.MY.WORD. amy amy amy!! this is sooo stinkin cute! ya'll are so sweet to think of me..i can't believe it. what a surprise! (((hugs))) back at you!

  11. Goodness! Just look at all those details, and that little corkboard! Flippin genius!

    Congratulations, your project is being featured on the MFT Blog today as part of Our Favorite Finds!

  12. this is AMAZING! great, great details-love it!


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