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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TCP Tuesday #98

Hi folks! I'm a day late with my TCP Tuesday submission for Susan's challenge this week, but my energy has been zilch-0 lately, and it took me a bit longer to come up with something satisfactory to me. I think it's due to the extra-long winter we've had here, and my mojo has gone into hibernation! We're expecting a warm-up this weekend, into the 30's (whoo hoo), so I'm hoping the extra warmth will wake up Mo and/or Jo!

Susan is challenging us to make something "Spring-y" if you will, so I chose an image from Hearts and Flowers. This sweet little bee fairy makes me smile, so dainty atop that long stemmed bloom! I colored her with Copics and paper pieced her abdomen, or is it her thorax(?), using fun and dainty Basic Grey papers.

Because the bee fairy is so dainty and I didn't want her to get "lost" among the patterned paper, I glam'ed her up a bit with clear gen pen dots on her flower center, Diamond Stickles on her wings, pink rhinestones on her antennae, and Spica glitter on the flower petals.

Hope to see you before Saturday with my SFYTT card, but that's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. This card is SO CUTE! Love the colors and the stamped image :D


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