
For Sale

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It's going to be...

...A Beary Good Year! Remember the sweet TCP Bear? You remember...he made his first appearance in Happy Camper...and then again in Give A you're gettin' it, right?! Well, guess what?! Our dear Alma has featured the TCP Bear in his, or her own set, and you...yes you, my friends get to help us name the TCP Bear. We've got Sprinkle the cat, Poochie the dog, and now this sweet Bear, who desperately needs a name now that he's found a home at TCP.

Simply email: for your chance at the grand prize...
Only one entry per email and entries will be accepted for approximately 2 weeks. From January 26th through February 8. In the event that the winning name has been submitted by more than one player, the winner of the grand prize will be selected at random from that group (the other players who suggested the name will receive the stamp set "A Beary Good Year"!)
Here's a sneak peek at TCP Bear doing his Easter thing...

I've used Leigh's TCP Tuesday94 sketch this week atop a Melissa Frances bingo card. I took a little liberty with the sketch, adding that lavender layer, or I guess you could interpret it as I didn't extend the lavender layer to the edges, but I just liked it better this way. I also replaced the jumbo scallops with a row of gathered Spring green ribbon, and wouldn't you know, so did swanky Joanne Basile! Great minds think alike, eh?!

Lucky for me, Leigh is a sweet heart of a gal and probably won't mind the liberties of which I write/speak, so head over to her blog for all the swanky TCP Tuesday details when you're done here.

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