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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Knit One, Pearl Three

Toni is our Hipster Hostess with the Mostess for TCP Tuesday 76, and she's challenging us to use bling, embossing and at least 3 circles of some type in our swanky creations this week. I wanted to also incorporate this week's Mojo Monday sketch, and the circles involved fit right in with Toni's challenge.

This is one of my favorite Poochie images, knitting the day away, so talented that he probably doesn't even need to bother looking at a pattern. In fact, he probably just makes up the patterns as he goes, don't you suppose?! I colored Poochie's sweater with reinkers and aqua brush in celery, sky and navy. Continuing with the knitting theme are my embossed argyle-like background and trio of pearls (do they count as bling?)...get it--knit one, PEARL three? Ahh, I crack myself up at times!

Hope you have time to play along with our TCP Tuesday challenge, and when doing so, leave a link over at Toni's blog, and/or upload to SCS or PCP and use the keyword: TCPTUES76.

Now, back to my knitting...


  1. I love this and I NEED this stamp!!!

  2. How FUN is this! LOVE the colors and your layout! What a great image!!!

  3. Love, love, LOVE what you did with those circles! Totally adorable!

  4. Love your interpretation of the sketch :) Awesome job!


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