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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Wedding Day {SFYTT}!

Well, I didn't think I was going to be able to participate in the SFYTT challenge today because I had "scheduled" stamping time during George's nap yesterday for my SFYTT card and had unexpected company all afternoon. On top of that we're leaving this morning for an out-of-town wedding and George is spending his first night away (from his crib) with my brother and his family. Needless to say, it's a little bit stressful for me--worrying if he'll sleep well, be too much to handle for my brother and his family, etc, etc! I'm sure all will be fine, and I don't know why I'm rambling on and on because I'm short on time this morning, ha! So, without further rambling, here is the wedding card I whipped up this morning using Jen's sketch:

Remember that you are all invited to play along with Jen's weekly SFYTT challenge. When you do play along, be sure to leave a link over at Jen's blog and/or use the keyword: SFYTT if you upload to SCS. Ok, here's the rest of the SFYTT crew for you to view!

Jen & Regina (July Guest Designer)

Have a great weekend!


  1. Gorgeous, lovely, and elegant, Amy! George will be just fine, Mommy -- don't worry! :)

  2. I am in love! What a beautiful card! I love the embossed panel down the center and all of the other special touches that make this amazing! I am so glad you got to play today! Have fun at the wedding and good luck with George! I really know how nerve-wracking those things can be! I am sure all will go well, though!

  3. Oh Any...this is pure gorgeousness!!! I love, LOVE it!!

  4. This is BEAUTIFUL! Sometime you'll have to tell me how you embossed like that. :) Hope George has a good night!

  5. WOWEEEEEE! Amy, this is pure gorgeousness!! Breathtaking in its sophisticated, understated elegance. Bravo! I can't believe you "whipped this out" this morning. You're AMAZING!

  6. Just whipped it up, huh? WOW! It's STUNNING! Have a wonderful weekend...just relax & ENJOY! :)

  7. Gorgeous, Amy! I wish I could "whip up" something this fabulous!

    Enjoy the wedding -- I'm sure George will do just great! :)

  8. What a gorgeous wedding card! It's just perfect in every single way!

  9. Hi Amy! This is lovely. So elegant!


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