
For Sale

Friday, February 27, 2009

All new stuff!

As you can see from the pictures below, I have a new photo assistant! You know how lucrative stamping can be, and I've been really reeling in the dough lately, so I thought: Why not hire a photo asst. to help me with the staging of my stamped creation?! And, the best part is--his labor is quite cheap, although I do need to check with the local child labor laws...ah, friend Carole, can you help me out? I always call on my friend, Carole/TruCarMa/Mother's Little Helper, for any legal advice!

As is evident from the photos, George is still in training--holding the card just so...

...keeping his feet out of the picture

...not sitting on my white paper. You get the idea, but once he gets the hang of it I'm sure we'll make a marvelous team!

Oh, you want to see the final take? Here it is: TCPTUES #47, a fun sketch challenge created and hostessed by none other than the aforemtentioned Carole Burrage! The sketch gave me the wonderful opportunity to showcase fun new stamps from TCP as well as showing off some of the great backgrounds made with my Texturz plates from SU!. Speaking of these fun TCP stamps, they're available as of today, so click here to check out all the new releases over at TCP.

Ok, more about the card. Colors are Pumpkin Pie, Kiwi Kiss and (retired) Eggplant Envy, layered on Kraft. The carrot-driving pooch is colored with watercolor pencils blended with a blender pen and a Corduroy Kiwi Kiss button pulls your eye to the cornered sentiment. If you like the sketch and like to ink up TCP stamps like me, come play along. You can find the deets here on Carole's blog: Mother's Little Helper. Speaking of Mother's Little Helper...that would've made a great title for today's post!

Stay tuned for Jen's Saturday SFYTT tomorrow...


  1. Ha! So adorable!! What a cute assistant you have! Love the card too!

  2. OMGoodness, he's growing up so fast!
    First thing a trainee needs to learn, of course, is clean up! Start 'em early!

  3. Oh, that Georgie Porgie is just the CUTEST little guy ever (next to a certain brotherly duo I know, of course... ;))!!!! I can't believe how BIG he is! And that card -- you know I'm lovin' those colors!!! Thanks for playing with us this week! Hugs, girlie! :)

  4. So cute, love your little helper in training! Adorable card!

  5. Adorable card and your little helper is even more adorable!!!!

  6. Adorable!!! one of the kind!!!

  7. OMGOSH that little George is just TOO cute! I need to find myself one of those photo assistants! :)

  8. the photos of your little helper are toooooo stinkin' cute! :-)

  9. He is just the cutest little guy ever!! Your card is darling!! Love the fun bright colors!!

  10. He is the CUTEST Amy!!! LOVE your assistant and he seems SO helpful! Awesome card too!!!

  11. Oh Amy...he is so cute! Those big brown eyes are so cute! I'll bet they just melt your heart! You card is darling too! I am seriously in love with that little carrot-mobile!

  12. Wow! Free help AND he's cute?!? Man! Do you think he can train one of mine? Super cute card too! :)

  13. He's so precious Amy... love your little photo shoot...he's grown so much! He'll be a fab assistant :) I especially love his little foot in the pic.

  14. Ohhhhhhh! What a precious child! I almost missed the cards! I like the color combination on the Easter Egg hunt card. Love your work, Amy! Thanks for sharing...

  15. Well, I'd say you have the CUTEST photo assistant around!!! He's absolutely adorable, Amy! And so is your card!


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