
For Sale

Monday, January 12, 2009

Thank you, birdie!

This is a trio of thank you cards I made to give co-workers for Christmas gifts I was given by them. I fell back on my tried and true Top Note Bigz die from SU! paired with the bird from the Birds and Blooms set of dies. Simple stamping includes the branch from PTI's Out On A Limb set and a sentiment from Inque Boutique's Birdies set, both stamped in Versafine Onyx Black the coverage of that ink! The designer paper is from SU! and is from the retired collection Holiday Harmony, layered on a Naturals Ivory card base (SU!). Very simple and straightforward, but I sure like the look and the dimension the bird gives along with the subtle design of the designer paper.

Thanks for popping in today...have a great Monday!


  1. You know I love your top note cards! These are so beautiful, Amy!!

  2. So - do I *need* the Top Note??? Do you really like it? LOL! LOVE THIS AMY! Your design is beautiful!

  3. This is pure perfection! These are adorable!

  4. Oh, eine wundervolle Karte.
    LG Christina

  5. SERIOUSLY love this. By the way, I left an award for you on my blog. Don't feel obligated to play along, just FYI.

  6. These are SO pretty!! I love them!


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