
For Sale

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A {big} blog candy SFYTT!

Good morning, peeps! Lots to share with you today, so I'll get right to it. The ultimate sketch gal, Jen del Muro, is having a huge blog candy giveaway to benefit Dallas Baptist University students, so first and foremost, check it out! You can find the details right here: Jen's Blog Candy Giveaway! You are asked to donate a card(s) in order to be entered in the giveaway; cards that will be going to university students from over 50 different countries in the world who are attending Dallas Baptist University. There is a crazy amount of gift certificates and stamps sets included, so you are sure to be pleased and motivated to stamp a card or three once you view Jen's BCG!

Speaking of Jen (nice segue, don't you think?!)...there's also this weekly Saturday SFYTT thang going on today and here's my sketch card:

My card features a great rooster stamp from American Art Stamp designed by Adriana Cirstea. I have roosters adorning areas of my kitchen as a remembrance of my late Dad. Besides being an all-around great guy, he was a dairy farmer, and every once in awhile, he'd add a few Bantam Chickens to the farm (I always thought there were "Banty" Chickens...good thing I googled it!). Unfortunately, the chickens never lasted too long due to lurking area farm dogs, probably including our own. Anyway, about a year before Dad died, he started collecting cool rooster memorabilia (that's when roosters were popping out everywhere in home decor), and after he passed, I began picking up rooster "stuff" here and there in his memory.

Deets on the card: a variety of papers from TAC, SU! and Daisy D's; colored using watercolor pencils; JoAnn's jumbo vintage brads; flower embellishment derived from a Heidi Swapp flower, layered with a Prima flower and topped with a SU! felt fusion flower--all held together with a vintage brad. Almost forgot about the (crooked) sentiment, but that's probably because it's crooked and it was too late to start over, so I'm suppressing it! It's from CHF's Motivational Centers.

Here's a list of the SFYTT peeps along with Jen and January Guest Designer, Kirsten! Thanks for hanging in there with all my chit-chat today! Hope you can play along and for sure check out that blog candy over at!

Jen & Kirsten


  1. Very cute! Love how you stamped it on that rustic-y paper!

  2. Great cockadoodle card, Amy! And I can't think of a better reason to have a few rooters hanging around. :) (we always called 'em Banty roosters, too! As in, "He was cocking around like a little Banty rooster..." hee)

  3. Beautiful card! i love the colors so perfect for the Rooster. what a great tribute to your father and a good way to remember him. thanks for sharing your talent.

  4. Oh my gosh, Amy, I love that image! Your papers and embellishments are so "rooster" perfect!

  5. this is simply fab!

  6. This is gorgeous! I wouldn't have ever noticed about any crooked sentiment! This is fantastic...great touches! What a fun remembrance for your Dad, too! I love coming to your blog to see what you are up to!


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