
For Sale

Saturday, November 1, 2008

hey dude... where did October go?! Is this just another proverbial sign that I'm getting old(er), the weeks and months flying right past me like {dude} here on his skateboard? No need to answer; my question was purely rhetorical in nature...seriously! If this IS the case, remember: don't take life too seriously; enjoy it, have some fun, buy new rubbah!

One of the things I'm enjoying in life right now is Jen's weekly SFYTT and here's another fun one for you to try as well! My skateboarder dude is wearing my favorite color right now, Kiwi Kiss with a layer of Crystal Effects. You can see his trail on the Tempting Turquoise banner marked with PaperTrey Ink's Faux Ribbon with a drip of CE in the middle of each adjoining circle. Why am I telling you this? Because the CE isn't showing up in my photo and it looks pretty gnarly in real life, he he! (ETA: I took a close up shot of my dude that clearly shows his glossy CE exterior!)

Be sure to check out more tantalizing inspiration from my gal-dudes: Susan, Carole, Amy & Shannan! Oh hey, guess what the new month brings us?! A new guest designer for sure to go over and give her some love at Jen's blog! Finally, when you finish your SFYTT card today (see how aggressive I'm getting...I said when, and not if), use the keyword SFYTT when uploading to Splitcoast and/or leave a link to your blog in the comment section of Jen's blog post for today.

Later dude(s)!

Stamps: PTI Faux Ribbon; CHF Little Guy, Broad Stripe
Paper: Whisper White, Tempting Turquoise, Really Rust, Kiwi Kiss
Ink: Kiwi reinker, TT, Versafine Onyx Black
Accessories: Crystal Effects, color spritzer tool, button, faux thread, black brads, punches: curly label, large oval


  1. Love this, Amy!! I have this set and have yet to ink it up!

  2. This is soooo cute! Love the colors! Great details, too!

  3. Your glossy dude rocks, dudette! Don't you just LOVE Crystal Effects?! I know I do... And I'm TOTALLY jealous of your Big Shot! Color me green with envy...

  4. Amy, your card totally rocks!! Wow, I love that little dude. Great take on the sketch my dear!!
    --Hugs Becca


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