
For Sale

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to pop in to wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving today! I'm also going to quickly share two versions of a card I made for SC204 (Wednesday Sketch Challenge) over at SCS yesterday. They are pretty much the same with changes in colors, paper and ribbon.

Click here for all the deets on card #1.

Click here for all the deets on card #2.

Click here to see my friend Kelly's (atomicbutterfly) SC204 card featuring Winter Post in a whole different color scheme. Kelly is the reason I ordered Winter Post in the first place--gorgeous samples!


  1. amy...these are absolutely stunning! i love the color combos you've used...and the ribbons are so yummy!

    amazing job!

  2. aMY....yoU KNOW i LOVE THESE CARDS! You did such a great job on the challenge. I was seriously laughing when I saw we both used the same set! Great minds think alike! Thanks so much for linking my card! you are a dear and such a sweet stampy friend!!!! Hugs, Kelly

  3. I love your cards, the first one is my favorite. How did you do the ribbon? Does it just go around the orange layer or does it go around the whole card?


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