
For Sale

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Monkey business!

Have you ever made a card and didn't know if you really wanted to share liked some parts but not the whole? Well, this is one of those cards! It's a combination of this week's SCS Color Challenge 186 (Baja Breeze, Chocolate Chip & Really Rust) and Sketch Challenge 196. It's also a combo of two different stamp companies: American Art Stamp's Women and My Favorite Things sentiment (from the naughty set, as I call it--winky-wink!). The part of this card that I'm not crazy about is that the sentiment just doesn't quite fit, and of course I mounted my layers on the base BEFORE sizing up the sentiment...ever done that before?! I'm also not overly crazy about the big Baja button bc it really doesn't match, color-wise, and it's supposed to, but I'm going with it! The parts that I really like about this card are the Really Rust panel with my flying lady stamped repeatedly and the main image panel itself.

Accept my apology for sounding a bit whine-y about this one...not meant to come off that way, just one of those love/hate cards that I'm guessing you may have had the same experience with at some point?! Ü

Almost forgot to say...thought I might just leave this in Ed's work truck some morning--ha! He won't care about the big button or the sentiment, he'll just think I'm getting "fresh" with him!


  1. I think it's fun and cute! I didn't even notice the button until you said something...I think it looks great, as usual! :)

  2. Hey...this card is fantastic. I love your humor!


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