
For Sale

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paying it forward

About a week ago, one of Kendra's high school teachers mailed a personal note letting us know how well she's doing in her History class along with a comment about her talent for writing--wow, what a great mail day! I was so taken with this small act of kindness, not to mention the swell of pride I was feeling--yeah, Kendra!

Because of that, I've decided to pay it forward: making simple note cards for the teachers at my elementary school to use in a similar manner, on a voluntary basis of course. I'm planning to put these cards in a basket and set them in the teacher lounges, sort of like the delicious treats that some bring to share, except these will be calorie-free!

The stamping here is pretty simple--a sheet of Riding Hood Red stamped repeatedly with the pencil image from Kim Hughes' Making The Grade set, cut into 1"x5.5" strips, layered on a Kraft base, finished with a large oval stamped with a sentiment from the same set, set atop a Curly Label punch in black. BTW, our school colors are {cardinal} red and black!

Thanks for stopping over today!


  1. These are soooo cute, Amy! Those teachers are gonna LOVE them (and you, too)! Great idea for teacher's presents for the holidays. You so smart...

    PS -- the cheese curds? All gone! Mmmm-mmm good! We all loved 'em, especially Carter. :)

  2. What a lovely idea, and what a great card!!!

  3. I just love these cards Amy! Love that little panel of stamped pencils. Beyond cute!

  4. Darling!! I love your idea to make these available for the teachers! They will grab them up in a hurry, I'll bet. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Great way to "pay it forward"! I've finally caught you and you've been tagged on my blog! :o)

  6. How very cute and what a great idea for teachers to use! I'll bet they love these Amy!!

  7. Oh, I love this can you poke Kari's teacher so I receive one? Kidding, of course!


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