
For Sale

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cammie's Cause

Earlier this week I posted a clipboard and card that I was sending to a friend, and I promised more details would follow. Well, as promised, here they are: Carolyn King/aka Cammie (SCS) is raising awareness for Alzheimer's disease, and in conjunction with National Alzheimer's Day (today, Sept 21st), she's collected a ginormous blog candy giveaway (valued at over $1000!), my clipboard/card combo included. Oh my word, I just peeked at Cammie's blog and you wouldn't believe the blog candy--pictures of everything! There is something you have to do to win...easy peasy, but be sure to check it out!

In addition to that, Cammie has recently released her new stamp set a Whimsical Autumn through Gina K. Designs with 100% of the proceeds going to the Alzheimer's Assocation in memory of her Grandmother who recently passed away. To support her cause and find out how YOU could win some fabulous blog candy, skip on over to Cammie's blog.

Now, that's not all...Kim, owner of My Favorite Things, has also sweetened the pot with a great discount at MFT. Read the following for all the details:

"There's still save 10% on all stamps using coupon code Cammie, as we raise finds for Alzheimer's! In addition to the 10% you save, MFT is donating 10% of all sales through Sunday, Sept 21st, which is World Alzheimer's Day.

As a special thank you, one lucky winner will also receive a Scor Pal and Scor Mat just for supporting the cause! Everyone who's placed an order during the fundraiser is automatically entered to win, and I'll even cover US shipping costs! If an international order wins, I'll discount your shipping by an equal amount.

Thanks for your support so far, and for allowing us an opportunity to help families worldwide!

My Favorite Things"

Take time to check out Cammie's blog giveaway and then head on over to MFT and Gina K. Designs to further support the Alzheimer's Association.


Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking time to leave me a comment. I truly appreciate it!