
For Sale

Friday, August 8, 2008

The one and only...

...Brett Favre. Even if you're not a Packers fan or a Brett Favre fan, there's no denying that he's one of the *greats* in football history; a legend in his own time. There has been so much drama surrounding the whole break-up (if you will) of Favre and the GBP over the last few weeks and quite frankly, I'm sick of it and sick over the outcome. As you've probably heard, Favre is no longer wearing #4 for the Pack...he's #4 for the Jets...just give me a minute, I'm feeling a bit verklempt.

So, to honor the one and only, Brett Favre as a GBP, I made yet another *lunch note* for LSC180 over at SCS. This one's for me...I think I'll just leave it in my desk drawer at work and slip it into my lunch bag whenever I'm feeling a little lonely for #4!


  1. How very fun! I'm not really up on this guy being from New England Patriots country - but I have heard his name - hope this card brings you comfort!!

  2. LOL. {{{{{Amy}}}}}

  3. I was scrolling thru your blog, I feel your pain. That was a sad day.
    On another note you do beautiful work. I'm very inspired.

  4. I know this is a little late but I completely agree with you. I am a huge Farve fan. I even have his name on my licence plate. I was so sad when things got ugly with Green Bay and he decided not to go back at all. He is doing a great job with the Jets but I miss the Green Bay feel and excitement. I am more a Farve fan and less of a Green Bay fan now. My hubby thinks that is sad. He said a true GB fan wouldn't feel that way. I feel your pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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