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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stamping To Do!

Do you make lists of cards you need to stamp, or projects you'd like to accomplish, or ideas that spring into your creative brain? I do! And as helpful as those lists can be...they don't truly serve their purpose if I can't find them, right?!? In order to make my lists more available (that's a fancy way of saying "so I can find them!"), I decided to cover this SU! 4 1/2 x 9 inch chipboard clipboard (try saying that 10x in a row, ha!) to serve as my list holder.

The clipboard is covered with WeR Memory Keepers designer paper from their Precious Metals line, called Vintage Brass-Bed Knobs (polka dots) and Treads (stripes). I adhered the paper, buttons and chipboard letters with Modge Podge. I wasn't sure of the holding power it would achieve with the buttons and letters, but so far--so good! I wanted to make a "fancy list" for the photo, so I stamped my new CHF Lined Paper stamp in Versamagic Oasis Green on a piece of River Rock cardstock and filled my list of stamping challenges and obligations that I need to remember. The chipboard letters are from On Board Lots of Letters and are also inked up with the Versamagic Oasis Green ink--that stuff if slick, dries in a flash and covers beautifully! Embellishments include three buttons tied with Linen Thread, a bit of velvet ribbon on the clip and another bit of ribbon on a mini library clip on the left side of my to-do list!

Now, go forth and make yourself something *real nice* to organize your lists!


  1. Now isn't that just the cutest thing ever!! As always, a great little project. I love how you stamped the lined paper background though...

  2. Teehee, I usually stick my list between the markers in my marker holder, but your idea is much cuter! Love the lined background stamp, must get one of those.

  3. Hi! I found you through a RAK you sent a fellow stamper! Your chipboard clipboard crack has me LingOL, I love your idea, and will make one ASAP. Is the clipboard SU?

  4. This looks fantastic! What a great idea!! Love that lined paper bg and the little tiny clippy!

  5. Amy, this is ADORABLE!! I love your style - this is simply perfect!

  6. this is GREAT~! I'm totally making To Do Lists practically DAILY because I scratch stuff off/put stuff on simultaneously and always re-writing. But I don't have anywhere to put something like this *boo hoo* I LOVE it though

  7. What a fun project Amy...I must make one!!! also congrats on joing the SFYTT team :) Love the pea card too :)

  8. This is soooo cute! I totally need one of these! I have a naked one from SU! that needs some TLC! Thanks for the great inspiration as always!


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