
For Sale

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mon Amie...a day late!

Ok, ok, so if you know *the* Ms. Carole Burrage, you know how good she is with words. She frankly intimidates the h-e-double hockey stix outta me with her verbage, so much so that I don't even know if I just used the word *verbage* correctly. I'm in hot water with her at the moment anyway seeing I didn't give her the 4-1-1 that I joined the blogging world, but I didn't want to come off as a diva or something, telling her to come over to my new web-place and expecting to be lavished with ooh's and aah' know?!

So, once she finds out I'm blogging, she starts ranting about it on her blog and throwing me right into the fire, signing me up for Jen's Sketch For You To Try...geesh, what kinda friend is that?! I'll tell you what kinda friend that is: exactly the kinda friend I want, need, like to have around! I need a little push from time to time and Carole is one hot mama to whom I just can't say *no*...nor do I want to!

Thanks, friend...this one's for you! And, by the way...a big congrats on your *dirty* nod!

See what Susie and Carole came up with using Jen's sketch by clicking on their names!
Supplies: Stamps--Carte Postale; Paper--Vanilla, Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery, Enchante dp; Ink--Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery; Accessories--brad, Chocolate taffeta ribbon


  1. What a gorgeous card. Love the layout, the dp, the colors. Great job.

  2. Love the card---but I'm here to talk about Carole---bless her heart---she's really hurt about this. It's nothing that a day at the spa can't cure---I'm sure Tulsa has a nice one...congrats on your blog!

  3. Very pretty! I feel bad for you, being on Carole's "bad" side! LOL! But I'm thankful she called you out, it's how I found out about your blog!! You've been one of my faves on SCS for a while now, so I'm very excited that you have a blog! :-)

  4. LOL, I read Carole's commentary....
    I ONLY discovered your blog when I clicked on this *amy* who posted on my blog.....ahem, it was YOU!
    btw, Carole's *chatter* is so fun, isn't it? I'm envious (in a good way) of her skills!

    I'm so glad to see you bloggin' my friend!

  5. Lovely! Its so elegant and beautiful! Its great!


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