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Friday, June 13, 2008

LSC172: Get Knotty!

Ok, so you're wondering about gettin' knotty, aren't you?! Well, this IS an anniversary card for my husband, so I guess *get knotty* probably IS appropriate, eh?!

Today's Limited Supply Challenge 172 (LSC172) over at Splitcoaststampers is to tie your ribbon in knots versus a bow. Well, I'd had this bit of designer paper lying on my cutting table and this set, For the Men from Cornish Heritage Farms, sitting on my stamp table, so I decided the two might make a great combo...sorta *western* looking, right? I added a black hemp lasso of sorts to highlight the sentiment, a few black brads and it's all tied up! I'm debating on the wording for the inside of the card...something about wanting to *tie the knot* again with any suggestions? Leave a comment with your suggestion, and you just might find something *real nice* in your mailbox!

Have a rootin' tootin' day...and hey, tie one on!


  1. 'I would tie the knot again with you any day' ... or perhaps, 'I do, all over again' ... or maybe 'You tie my heart in knots' ... happy anniversary and great card.

  2. Maybe "wanna get knotty?" or "I'd rather knot live without you" - I guess I'll never win the inside card contest but those are a couple I came up! and welcome to blogland!!


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